Monday, July 16, 2007

Sulking doesn't become anyone

Yes, unbelievable as it may sound in a supposedly professional atmosphere, my co-worker is sulking and not speaking to me because I took two half days off and worked from home due to a migraine and fever.

I don't put up with such behaviour from my slaves. Very quickly they would find their sulky selves over my knee and their backsides welted and bruised. But of course if I did that here I would at least be fired if not charged with aggravated assault (would be true - I'm very aggravated, lol).

mitda had me take out some of this frustration on her on the weekend. It helped a lot but today I'm back to wondering what I'm supposed to do when the team lead on my project isn't speaking. Taking it out on her also pushed her deep into subspace, something she craves more than anything, more on that later.

"Acceptance of the inevitable does not guarantee experience of the necessary."


Unknown said...

let you? got you to? one of those. maybe Coworker asulking needs a talking-at.

i'll do it again and again and again.

where's the rest of this post, Mitdasein?

Anonymous said...

Simple, that's why I quit.