Sunday, September 03, 2006

Playing or scolding?

This one gets tricky for Mitda and I.  How to differentiate between play and 'real' scolding.  Not that it's at the forefront right now ... this weekend in our new house has been a lot of playing, when the mood takes us.  But do you safeword a real punishment?  What if the discipline is wanted overall, but not the punishment at a given moment?  More on these later.

- mitdasein

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Saturday, September 02, 2006

Beginning Discipline

Where does one begin in applying discipline to another adult?  Especially the one they love most in the world?  And at that person's request?

The last year has been a back and forth struggle with this, under less than ideal conditions, trying to live out a dream master / slave lifestyle.

So to begin this blog, a quote, "The teacher is like the student except in this point only, that he has so much more to learn".

- m. mitdasein

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