Sunday, July 29, 2007

Slave Mentoring 2

The following topics are part of mitda and emmie's slave mentoring, and they have to rate the importance to them of each from 1-5.  mitda has asked for help from me with this as what I think should be important to her is, obviously, a crucial input.  It is an interesting exercise for me and I haven't honestly come up with a firm decision on what things mitda should focus on.

1. Domestic service (cooking cleaning, home decor and

 2. Sexual service

 3. Protocols

 4. slave mindset - internalizing slavery

 5. Releasing limits

6. Obedience

7. Overcoming Fears

8. Health and Beauty; weight loss, eating habits, makeup etc

9. Slave speech - (not3rd person per se, communicating as a slave)

10. Trust

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In Order Of Importance rather than the rating bit:

1. Trust
2. Sexual service
3. Health and Beauty; weight loss, eating habits, makeup etc
4. slave mindset - internalizing slavery
5. Obedience
7. Slave speech - (not3rd person per se, communicating as a slave)
8. Releasing limits
9. Overcoming Fears
10. Domestic service (cooking cleaning, home decor and
organization etc;)