Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Complaints etc.

This morning I sat working on my computer while mitda sighed a few times on the bed behind me at the extensive amount of time it was taking me to configure AIX. Sometimes I need to just do simple, mindless things on the systems I have, both to get them done and to relax myself, and it can be difficult for both mitda and emelina to understand that. Of course being with my girls relaxes me as well, but in a different way, and sometimes I need one or the other. Of course I was even more in for it later : ).

When emelina woke up I was treated to her complaints, which ranged from not being bound last night (there was no room if I held mitda, as mitda had requested, and I indulged her), and not having had a thrashing in too long, to sex being more intense between mitda and I than between her and I. Oddly mitda thinks sex is better between emelina and I, I suppose the sex must just look better than it is ; ).

So now they have gone to get emmie's labs done. I'm slowly getting ready to leave myself so that I can be in to work somewhat early. My co-worker pissed me off again yesterday by not talking to me until 3pm then handing me a bunch of work. So I left at 5pm on the dot. Give me the work early and it might be done the day you give it to me, simple.


"Acceptance of the inevitable does not guarantee experience of the necessary."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it would appear that your chief complaint would be your coworker, not the humans you cohabitate with, but that's just an observation from your last few posts.