Sunday, July 08, 2007

Coming up with better plans

The need for one on one time, both from my slaves' and my own perspective, remains a real one.  But slicing up my time just doesn't work, for a myriad of reasons.  If I'm not "up for the cup", have other pressing matters, etc. during proscribed one on one time it is difficult for either mitda or emelina to accept that their time gets cut short, or doesn't happen at all.  And in a poly household we remain a family of four adults plus miscellaneous offspring, and the interaction of all four of us on a regular basis has become very interfered with.

So I'm ending this particular little experiment.  mitda and I were up early as usual today but I had things to do on our server, compiling some new software, doing a security audit to the new CIS 2 standard, etc. And I didn't feel all that well this morning, about as sexy as a turd.  So mitda didn't get any real one on one time, and tonight I want to spend the evening with the whole family to relax prior to a week of work that is going to be at the minimum long, busy and stressful.

Speaking of miscellaneous offspring, emelina's two sons are here currently, both are mildly autistic, the older more than the younger.  The younger child stays here semi-permanently, as he goes to school here and has his main life here.  The older lives most of the time in North Carolina with his bio-dad and will be returning there in a couple of weeks.  This is my first time meeting the older one, and he seems like a nice kid, albeit with a few quirks.  The younger one is one of the best kids I've ever met, and despite the autism is in the average grade for his age and pulling in A's and B's. 

mitda and I never procreated,either together or separately in previous relationships, so the miscellaneous offspring really consist of emelina's two sons from a previous marriage and E.'s two sons from a previous marriage.  E.'s youngest was here for a little while during the time that both of emelina's were in North Carolina, and he has some issues.  The older son is really an adult at this point, and is joining us in a few weeks for the indefinite future, having just graduated HS and preparing for a possible entrance into the military. 

This new addition to the on-premesis family will also put difficulties on one on one time, mostly due to lack of space in the house for anyone to couple off to.  It will be interesting to see how playtime gets accomplished, but at the very least we won't have to keep our situation secret from E.'s son as he is old enough and chill enough to deal with it in an adult manner.


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