One of the presenters over the weekend of the seminar on 24/7 D/s, also known as internal enslavemnt or total power exchange, managed to get some time to chat to mitda and emmie. They hit it off and have been IM'ing since, and went for coffee earlier today. I think it's great for both of them to have someone outside the relationship but involved in a similar one to talk to and discuss things. Of course it also makes me a bit nervous as I could easily have the finger pointed back at me for not doing things right ... This girl runs a board called Exquisite Enslavement, open to members only. It allows slaves to exchange ideas on everything from home necessities to the philosophy of enslavement. I think it will be very good for both mitda and emmie, with their very different views on enslavement to begin with.
So E's oldest moved in, temporarily occupying my office/refuge/saneplace. Oh I can go there during the day when he's up to work on the computers but when he's in bed, I can't sleep, and want to be anywhere but the bedroom, I have the choice of staying put in the bedroom or getting eaten alive by mosquitoes outside. We shall have the living room soon, it's just currently full of emergency plumber equipment trying to discover the root of a water leak. Hopefully that will help although for some reason I've never been able to sit in the living room. Not to mention my Sun workstation isn't there.
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