Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Refactoring code can be one of the most frustrating but ultimately rewarding exercises in programming. Essentially you take code that works but isn't pretty and perhaps has performance issues and rework it into a proper design, making it easier to maintain, and, hopefully, better performing.

Relationships, maybe, go through some refactoring every so often. We don't do it as formally, or even intentionally, but the overall structure of the relationship changes bit by bit until we suddenly find ourselves in a different configuration. And then maybe one should take the time to step back for a moment and survey the configuration and your place in it.

Our little quad has changed substantially over the last month or two. With emmie becoming a submissive and then a collared slave, and mitda pushing herself far further into IE / TPE than formerly, we've ended up with a very different power dynamic. Add to that emmie's unexpected medical retirement and the set of relationships each of us is in is quite new.

Not that this is a bad thing. Far from it. I personally am enjoying the new configuration quite a bit. But that's not to say it doesn't bring its own new stresses and new responsibilities. I have a good deal to learn about emmie, for instance, in order to meet my responsibilities as her mentor and teacher. At the same time I have to keep up with mitda's explorations to remain a good Master to her and to move as far along that vector as we can, especially since it was something I particularly wanted in the first place. But the configuration is still very new, and I hope I can settle into it as soon as possible.


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