Today was another day of diagramming and generating code. Oh sure I have to write some code once the generation is done, to make the code actually do something, but much of the work is done for me by the latest tools. Automation is coming to software development, finally.
Not that anyone at work is really picking up on it awfully quickly. In fact today I redid two peoples' work, that they had hand coded, and redid it using the generating toolkits. It probably added up to a couple of days coding, plus testing and debugging time, that was completely unnecessary.
It occurred to me the other day while playing with mind mapping software for brainstorming ( ) that, given that the Autism sites recommend mind mapping software for autistics/aspergers, diagramming and generating things from diagrams is particularly suited to an aspies mind. Like mine. Because that is most of what I do these days. I never was an incredibly good heads down coder, more of a program designer (internal program architecture and design, not GUIs).
So the industry seems to be going my way. Hopefully this job will continue to do so for the immediate future until I can find something closer to home and with a less restrictive atmosphere.
1 comment:
The link says , but actually goes to , which in turn redirects to just plain old .
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