Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Goodbye to November and All That

I've been torturing emmie by making her listen to live Ministry, who we are going to see when they visit our town in April. Sure it's from a while ago but hell they're a good live band. Poor emmie is more into pop-hip-hop than Ministry, <sigh>, you can't always find good musical taste in a slave :).

It's been a difficult week and a half and I'll be glad when this week is past. E. has been focused on getting ready for exams, mitda is recovering rather well all things considered but not yet up to her usual self, emmie has had a few difficult things to deal with personally, and I've had my issues with personal and professional restrictions at work, not to mention my jaw being half ripped out. I'm hoping that during December we can rally around each other a bit more and not have shit dumped on us from without..

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