Their sleepiness, alas, was contagious and I found myself napping at 3pm. Now I feel less tired and more relaxed, but a bit headachy unfortunately.
I looked over my post from last night and wondered what on earth possessed me to write so much about the topic. Finally decided it had to do with having come from an emotionally abusive vanilla background, and having seen the difference in a number of friends' relationships, where spousal abuse was common, unpredictable and extremely hurtful. One point I should have made but didn't, I think, is the number of abusers I have seen who were self-thwarted Dominants, prevented from exercising their personality traits in other ways due to morality, or a too hasty acceptance of societal norms. Put these people into a vanilla relationship, add a lot of frustration, and in the worst cases a good deal of alcohol, and what could have been a healthy domination streak turns into a nasty abusive one. My mother is that all over, though she controls the alcohol, as was the first girl I had a long relationship with, although not with me. We kept in touch, still do, and in later relationships she followed a ruinous course, eventually being charged with spousal abuse. Ironically her bail was set dependent upon her being my "court charge" for a period. If only the Judge had known MY predilections : ).
Well, for tomorrow, on to brighter and happier subjects. We have a play party to go to tomorrow night where mitda and I may play publicly for the first time ever. In any case some people we know and get along with well will be there, so it should be quite fun.
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