Sunday, August 05, 2007

Lazy Sunday

Today the family hasn't been up to much at all, me especially.  The girls and I went for coffee and laptopping for a little while, and then mitda did the market run while we were out, but emmie and I pretty much sat and vegetated.  Well I did some writing about TPE which will likely find its way onto this blog later in the week.  But nothing really useful.  emmie's and mitda's posts today made me feel very good ...

This is a needed change after yesterday, which was wonderful in many ways but extremely tiring to me at least.  We prepared for and performed the collaring ceremony for both girls, with E assisting me in actually locking the new collars in place.  It was fun and we all felt a little special I think, hopefully not in a short bus sense.  Afterwards we went to the local play party and after a rather interminable "discussion period" and an equally lengthy set of personal introductions finally resulted in us watching some interesting rope work and having some reasonable conversation with others into related kinks.

So today, as I said, is relaxation time. 

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