It interestes me that is a site dedicated to Lacanian Psychoanalysis. I'm not altogether familiar with Lacan's work although I know some of his work in the specific area of mathematical topology rather than psychotherapy. It might be an interesting thread for me to follow in the future and perhaps a way of bridging the ontological (specifically, the topology of Being) tendency at work in my writings on Absolute Enslavement and the psychological theories that underlie the writings on Internal Enslavement by Tanos in the UK.
Not that Tanos needs any assistance, lol, although I'm sure he has more traffic for The Slave Register boards than for the Ownership WIKI, the Ownership WIKI remains one of the few internally consistent set of writings on M/s available on the net, and I am highly indebted to it.
There are those malcontents, of course, like myself, who are looking for a less psychological and more philosophical view of M/s. And for those people I set up the Absolute Enslavement WIKI. Have a drop by sometime and take a look around, maybe even add something or correct something I've written. It's open to the public and the M/s public can write, correct, or dispute anything in it. While it gets a good amount of regular traffic and those that do visit linger a while, nobody has so far delurked to add their $0.02 on what the various terms used in M/s really mean.
Oh my! What a delight to stumble on your blog... We, too, are a poly, BDSM household, and it is rare to find others who live in a similar dynamic -- even more rare to find someone who writes about it with intellect. We've taken the liberty of adding a link to you from our site. I hope that is alright...
Regards, swan
I would love to have a look at your site also if you would care to leave a link. Thanks!
We are The Heron Clan. You can find us here:
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